Long Engineering Names New President, Other Senior Officials
Long Engineering is proud to announce that Joe Severin, PE, LEED AP has been named President of the company. Only the second president in Long Engineering’s 22-year history, Joe brings 17 years of technical, managerial, and business experience to the table, 14 of those years at LONG. This promotion recognizes the extraordinary contributions that Joe has made during his tenure. Now, he is going to bring his knowledge and experience to all aspects of Long Engineering. Joe had previously served as Project Manager, and most recently, as Senior Vice President, managing day-to-day operations and strategic business ventures for the firm.
Supporting Joe are Shepherd Long, PE, LEED AP as Chief Executive Officer, and Mike Thurman as Senior Vice President. Rounding out Long Engineering’s management team is Anthony Kamburis, PE, Vice President of Transportation Design; Sammy Powell, PE, Vice President of Transportation and Bridge Design; Randy Sanborn, PE, Vice President of Subsurface Utility Engineering; Dana Butterworth, Vice President of Support Services; and Andrew Pankopp, PE, LEED BD+C, Vice President of Land Development.
These promotions come in the wake of the sudden passing of Long Engineering’s founding President, Ellen Long. Ellen established Long Engineering in 1997 and served as president until 2019.
Long Engineering has confirmed with GDOT that any Master Contracts that were in place prior to Ellen’ s passing (July 5, 2019) will continue, and all of Long Engineering’s work on these projects (past, present, and future) will receive DBE credit for the duration of the contract including all forthcoming associated task orders. Projects and pursuits in which Long Engineering was attached to prior to July 5 will be reviewed by GDOT on a case-by-case basis to determine if DBE credit will be extended to them.
Please visit longeng.com for more information regarding the firm, or contact Joe Severin and Mike Thurman.