Atlanta Memorial Park Conservancy Consulting
Long Engineering, Inc. was retained by the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management and the Atlanta Memorial Park Conservancy to provide technical input into the city’s approach to reducing sanitary sewer overflows, flooding and stream bank degradation within Peachtree Creek and Tanyard Creek that traverse the Atlanta Memorial Park property, including the Bobby Jones Golf Course. The Peachtree Creek basin encompasses 94 square miles of urbanized portions of DeKalb County and the City of Atlanta. This urbanization of time has continually taxed the aging infrastructure carrying sanitary sewer and stormwater through the basin. LONG’s services included reviewing the city’s evaluation of alternatives to reduce wet weather sanitary sewer overflows within the Peachtree Creek basin, Capital Improvement Program priorities, combined sewer overflow treatment facility operations and basin hydraulic modeling. The collaborative effort also included interfacing with City Council and the Mayor’s office.