SR 11 Bridge Replacement in Monroe, GA

SR 11 Bridge Replacement:

LONG was responsible for roadway construction plans for the replacement of the existing bridge on SR 11 over Apalachee River just north of Monroe, Georgia. With a project length of approximately 0.6 miles, the project had several historical and environmental resources to avoid during the design. The existing bridge, constructed in 1942, was replaced with a new offset bridge while maintaining two lanes of traffic and staged construction throughout the duration of the project. State Route 11 at this location is a rural two-lane roadway with 12′ travel lanes and rural shoulders.

See before and after images below:

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Randall Mullins, PE joins Long Engineering

Long Engineering is pleased to announce the addition of Randall Mullins, PE to our Alabama engineering staff. Randall recently retired from the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) and will serve as our bridge practice leader for projects in Georgia and Alabama. At ALDOT Randall supervised the Bridge Bureau’s five design sections, developed the plan development process for ATRIP bridge projects, served on a number of AASHTO bridge committees, and provided technical guidance to the thirty-five Bridge Bureau engineers and design technicians under his direction.

In addition to Randall’s experience with complex ALDOT bridges, he brings a wealth of knowledge regarding local government projects. His experience includes bridge repair, rehabilitation, and inspection, and he served as the technical subject matter expert on ALDOT’s Emergency Bridge Inspection Team (EBIT). Randall’s expertise, combined with that of Charles Markert and Anthony Kamburis, allows us to provide reliable turn-key engineering services to local governments across Alabama.

Randall lives in Montgomery, Alabama with his wife and enjoys wood working, gardening, and camping. He is the proud father of three children. He has one granddaughter.

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