LONG Onsite at Atlanta Airport Projects

We recently had an opportunity to visit with a few of our Survey and SUE team members onsite at the Atlanta Airport where we have several active projects going on. These projects include site locations such as the new Hotel Development, Plane Train Extension, Midpoint “T” Terminal, Domestic Vehicle & Taxi Staging Lot, and Fire Station No. 32. Some of these sites are exceptionally challenging due to the ongoing aircraft, cargo, and vehicle traffic patterns. Field crews perform their daily responsibilities with the utmost care for safety and security as to not disrupt daily airport travel.

Our team members at Long Engineering have provided a wide-range of services for various clients. We are very familiar with the overall logistics and added precautions needed at the airport. These services have include Land Surveying, Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), Civil Engineering and Design, Construction Documentation, and Permitting to name a few.


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