LONG is proud to receive the honor of the “2022 Internship Program Employer of the Year”, on behalf of the Georgia Tech Career Center.
Our VP of Civil Site Design, Andrew Pankopp, PE, LEED AP, shared that over many years, “Long Engineering has had the pleasure of working with Georgia Tech’s Career Center and Georgia Tech students through LONG’s internship program. With each semester, we are impressed by the capabilities and professionalism of our GT internship staff and truly value their involvement in our projects and day-to-day engineering tasks.
In many occurrences, we have also had the pleasure of transitioning these internship positions into full-time employment upon graduation, building upon the tasks and responsibilities learned, and acting as important members of the Long Engineering Team.”
Mr. Pankopp notes with confidence that inclusion in the Georgia Tech’s Career Center Internship program has contributed to the successes of Long Engineering, furthered the development of our engineering staff, and has acted as a powerful recruitment opportunity. LONG looks forward to the continued relationship and future opportunities with Georgia Tech’s Career Center and Georgia Tech students.