I-20 at Savannah River Bridge Replacement
Richmond County, Georgia
Aiken County, South Carolina
Superior Construction Company/WSP was awarded the $72 Million Design-Build, I-20 Savannah River Bridge Replacement Project. This project is the replacement of two obsolete bridges on I-20 over the Augusta Canal and Savannah River in Augusta, Georgia. Long Engineering (LONG) provided the survey database for the project area that measured 10,500 feet long by 150 feet wide. This included preparing a survey control package for 119 control points, updating the database within the survey limits, bridge surveys for both eastbound and westbound bridges over each waterway, and verifying river cross-sections at the existing bridge endrolls. A property package for 420 parcels along the I-20 corridor was also completed.
Hydraulic studies included the hydraulic analysis for each bridge over the Savannah River and Augusta Canal, and issuing a No-Rise Certificate and performing a scour analysis. LONG also provided a Bridge Design Review of the proposed replacement bridges.
Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services provided by LONG included Quality Level D for the entire corridor and 13 test holes (Quality Level A). 17 utility companies were coordinated with to resolve potential utility conflicts.
Richmond County, GA
Aiken County, SC
WSP Global, Inc. / Georgia Department of Transportation
Services Provided
Surveying, Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), Bridge Hydraulics, and Bridge Design Review
Date Completed