We are pleased to announce Javier Benavides, who will be leading our SUE field team efforts in the Greater Savannah area, has officially transferred to our Savannah office. He joined us in early 2020 and has worked on multiple MMIP GDOT projects in the Atlanta area, including the West Interchange, Top End Express Lanes, and Eastside Express Lanes. In the Savannah area, Javier has worked on projects for the new Civic Center Arena, Forsyth Park Lighting upgrades, and SEDA.
Javier is currently involved on the Lift Station 166 Parallel Force Main project for the City of Savannah with our teaming partner, Hussey Gay Bell. LONG is providing SUE services for the design and construction of an effluent force main for the existing Lift Station 166. The current eight (8”) inch diameter, 7,700 linear feet force main serving Lift Station 166 is undersized, and the City of Savannah desires to expand station pumping capacity by extending a force main to Lift Station 159 (approximately 16,000 LF).
The SUE Quality Levels (QL) we are providing include:
QLD: Records Research / Data Collection
QLC: Above Ground Survey
QLB: Utility Designation
QLA: Test Hole / Pot Holing
We are excited for Javier and our continued growth and investment in the Savannah community!