Atlanta, Georgia
Provided photo control for aerial mapping to accelerate the design schedule and subsequently performed a boundary, topographic and utility survey on a 48-acre parcel referred to as the “North Site” north of the Georgia World Congress Center. Then provided photo control for the “South Site” located south of the Georgia Dome and followed up with a boundary, topographic and utility survey of the 39-acre tract that included property acquisition plats and roadway abandonment plats. Also included was construction staking of the stadium, continual surveys of targets on the roof truss to allow settlement calculations, and preparation of as-built drawings.
Sandy Springs, Georgia
The 14-acre site included a boundary and topographic survey and right of way surveys on adjacent roadways, ALTA surveys for the two residential parcels, retail lease space exhibits and a subdivision plat to dedicate internal roadway right of ways, define internal lots lines and public park space.
Atlanta, Georgia
The 30 acre site has experienced numerous expansions and renovations since 2004 when LONG was retained to provide topographic, utility and tree surveys. Projects have included the Visitor Center and Parking Deck (Certified LEED Gold), Canopy Walk, Storza Woods, Skyline Garden, Children’s Garden, Edible Garden, Southern Seasons Garden, and more.