LONG provides a diverse list of services for all their clients, allowing them to be acutely instrumental by offering a fully integrated approach from start to finish, creating a cohesive and collaborative project experience.


LONG’s design professionals have a broad range of expertise on a wide variety of project types, with a unique focus on urban and sustainable design. They are accustomed to working on large, diverse project teams and complex projects that require a high-degree of communication and coordination.


LONG hires the best and most experienced field crews and equips them with state-of-the-art surveying equipment. The team goes through vigorous training efforts in order to safely and efficiently gather survey data from the field.


LONG offers location studies, roadway, and highway design services for private and public clients, employing the industry’s most talented bridge designers, which include GDOT state bridge engineers and designers. Supported by hydraulic engineers, LONG’s bridge design services provide a full array of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for bridges, roadways, and private development.


LONG provides CEI services for city, county, and state transportation projects, ensuring compliance with project specifications. Their inspectors have certifications in Roadway Testing, Asphalt Inspection, and/or Concrete Inspection. In addition, they possess certifications for GDOT Worksite Erosion Control Supervisor, and are equipped with material testing equipment, as well as nuclear density gauges for testing of asphalt, base, and earth compaction.


LONG’s SUE team is critical in the design and construction of roadways, aviation infrastructure, and building improvement projects. A full array of tools are used to provide accuracy in identifying specific locations, sizes, and elevations. These services include radio detection designating equipment, ground penetrating radar, and utilivac/vacuum excavation trucks.